University & MacBook Pro

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It’s been a while since my last update — not because there’s nothing to tell, but because I didn’t find any time to write something down.

So why’s that? I’m attending university now: I’m in my first semester of computer science at the University of Erlangen and it’s been a tough start figuring out how things work at university, finding the rooms, getting the work done, etc.

Another thing I desperately needed for university was a laptop, as I didn’t bother moving my home computer (it’s the last one left at home for parents and everybody else anyway). It took me a good while to decide what kind of laptop to get, but I finally chose a MacBook Pro with a whooping 4 Gigabytes of RAM because I didn’t want to fiddle with neither Windows Vista nor XP anymore. Linux would have been an option, but having a GUI to configure your PC isn’t that bad after all either. Lots of people buy Macs for their product design, but the point that convinced me was the possibility to run every software that works on Linux on the Mac as well (you gotta love a real bash shell, not some emulated cr*p on Windows). So far I’m very satisfied with my choice and the MacBook — I might blog a little bit more in detail about that soon.

So far this was just a short update from me to let you know I’m still alive.


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