A period of my life is coming to an end. Yesterday’s mail made that all the more obvious to me, since it contained my university diploma. I have now officially graduated Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a Master’s degree in computer science. This is reason for celebration, especially since I managed to pass with distinction, but it is also an opportunity to look back. Since I will not stay at university or in Erlangen, graduation comes with a farewell.
I have enjoyed the last few years in Erlangen, especially at the System Software Group and its KESO Research Project where I wrote my Master’s thesis on “Compiler-Assisted Memory Management Using Escape Analysis in the KESO JVM”. However, in the last few months in Erlangen I’ve realized that it was time to move on and seek new challenges. And I have.
On September 1st I will take up a job as “software integrator Linux” at BMW Car IT in the city of Ulm. I’m hoping my experience with continuous integration from KESO, package management, and build systems from MacPorts may be helpful at my position. I’m really looking forward to working for BMW and moving to Ulm, and what I’ve seen so far has been fantastic! :-)
Off to pastures new!